Thursday, September 5, 2013

When you screw up as a do you fix that?

Have you ever forgotten to play Toothfairy?  I have.  Have you ever forgotten to play Easter Bunny? Guilty as well.  My friend D hides over 100 eggs for her precious daughter.  Her daughter is in 8th grade now and just told her mom this past Easter that she knows the Easter Bunny isn't real.  D cried. :(

My girl has lost 3 teeth.   For her first she got a 5 dollar bill and I told her that sometimes the Tooth Fairy hooks you up big time on your first tooth.  She subscribes to the "Rise of the Guardians" Vision of the Tooth Fairy. One Queen Fairy and several baby fairies.  This works in my favor like WHOA!

The other night after I had gotten home from work with the kids (And no cash!!) my 5 year old comes to me:

Girl: Check out my tooth! Pull it!
Me: OH no.  Lots of boys and girls lost teeth today. I think the tooth fairy is all booked up.
Girl: PLEASE Pull my tooth.
Me: Oh i'm pretty sure that she is booked solid.  we can pull it but she might not make it here.

I pull it. I still have no cash.  As i'm drifting off I consider going to an ATM or borrowing from my father (The only other adult in the house) OR from their piggy banks..which is a bad plan because surely in the morning she'll want to count ALL THE RICHES and not just the new ones and....why....who stole $2 from her piggy bank? She would then fly into a rage.  So I decided the heck with it.

I went to bed.  And the next morning the girl was SUPER disappointed that the TF didn't come to our house : (  So i felt like mom failure of the century.

I stopped at JoAnn's and bought a variety of clearance items to build a note from the TF along with a sparkly notebook for a quarter and a hello kitty bracelet for $3. (Yep. I paid the stupid tax)   SO I built my note:

Glitter letter stickers for the names, a small tub of cheap glitter for the edge. we already had Elmer's glue, the gemstones came from a 50 cent iron on thing from clearance and the paper was 49 cents.  All in all it wasn't too expensive.  I like the excuse I came up with.  She was amazed by the note and she decided the toothfairy leaves extra stuff if she's late to make up for it.  So we are good, for now.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Our battle with ADHD.

As i've mentioned before, I am the single mother of two small children.  As of this writing they are 4 and 5 years old.  My daughter will be 6 in approximately 2 months.   She just started Kindergarten about 3 weeks ago.  We are struggling because she seems to be unable to pay attention at all.  The first few days were semi-okay but now we are down to getting notes EVERY SINGLE DAY from her teacher. Today it was "Playing. Off task. Didn't do work. Talking." and her teacher emailed me to tell me "FYI - she called me a meanie today :( " be honest the ADHD doesn't come as a surprise. to me.  I have it. Her father has it. My father has it and I have several cousins with ADHD. I bought a book called "fire child, water child" several months ago but I didn't put it into practice because I got busy and sometimes life just be's that way.

In reading this book I have figured out that my daughter is a fire child.  She is a TOTAL fire child.

Fire:  The True Leader 


Attracted to Novelty
Lives in moment
Learns by intuition
“High Engagement”


"The Class Clown"
 Distracted by boredom
Panic attacks
Sensory integration difficulties
Sensory craving
(For more info or to identify your child's type please click here for Dr. Cowan's site)

Life as we know it:

My girl is living in a household with 2 adults who suffer from ADHD also (I am an earth child and my dad is a metal child...her biological father who she seldom sees is most likely a Wood child.) My boy shows NO Signs of ADHD (THANK GOODNESS!) My dad and I have both learned coping strategies over the years that have allowed us some success in life. (My dad is very successful.  I can fake it pretty well. )

Our solution according to Dr. Cowan is:

Wood nature feeds the puppy heart 

*I am going to provide my daughter with more opportunities to feed her puppy heart with wood.  Exercise is key in this I think so I included 2 blocks of exercise time for her in her daily map.  The first thing she does when she wakes up is exercise.  That's a lot for a 5 year old I guess but she REALLY loves this Cosmic Yoga I found on youtube and if she enjoys getting 15 minutes of exercise first thing during the day and it teaches her to center herself then I'm not complaining.  We will probably take a 2 mile walk when she gets off of the bus on my days off.

*Diet Change: I am also reducing her carbohydrate load, increasing her proteins and i'm going to increase her number of meals a bit each day to help her stabilize her blood sugar.  Personally I HAVE to have small meals throughout the day and absolutely MUST have lots of protein.  I know she's not really all that physical yet so i'm shooting for her getting about 35 grams of protein a day.  A serving of greek yogurt is about 2/3 of that.  She started her day with 2 eggs and some greek yogurt and some dried fruit. she'll have a snack at school and her lunch is chicken bites (non-breaded chicken breast nugget sized), green beans, fruit, sunflower kernals, greek yogurt, milk.  When she comes home we may have some popcorn then go for a walk.

*I know I need to find some more things to help feed her puppy heart but this is a lot of planning for a single mom and i've already done a ton! i'll have to think for a week.

Water nature helps train her puppy heart

"Training the puppy heart means offering a secure path for her nature through repetition and reward." - (Dr. Cowan, fire child, water child p.112)

Water cools fire.

*I am scheduling 2 bath times for her each day on her day map. She takes a shower in the morning and i'm going to give her time to play in the bathtub each night.

*I am also having her drink about 70 oz of water a day. (She weighs 72 lbs so that's not excessive and even if she only hits half of that - i'm happy)

*We are going to add a fish oil supplement for her to take 2-3 times a week.  it's a very low dose DHA EPA pill.  it contains more EPA than DHA.  *We are reducing the amount of sugar in her diet (it's already minimal anyway but i'm adding foods from the "Salty" list provided in the book)

*Massage - I have started giving her massages each night to help her settle down for bedtime and it worked last night! I massaged her back and legs a little bit while she did her homework and she actually settled down and focused on the work then she fell almost immediately to sleep when she went to bed. That is the first time that has happened in a long time!!  I used spearmint oil for her massage.  I need to get some lavender oil to use for that time of night. I put Spearmint on her this morning to help her focus. 

*Reading more - we already read a lot but we are going to read a lot more. I also need to practice being quiet and still.  I have a very hard time with that.

Earth nature expands her big heart 

*We've started practicing analogies to help her get better at that skill.

*We are already the flashcard queens. We have flashcards for EVERYTHING but i foresee flashcards in our future. I'm a huge fan.

*helping cook - My little queen helped me cook dinner last night.  I need to look for MORE earth activities for her.

Metal nature (Rules) help her to master her big heart

*We created a map of her day to help her see the order and sequence of activities. I am going to laminate it for her and let her take it with her in her backpack to help her out. She can read SOME things so I may glue some pictures to the map for her before laminating it.

*We are going to start learning to meditate. We did SOME meditation last night when she simply WOULD NOT FOCUS on her homework. After that I told her to get her work done and she sat up and finished coloring her work without any problems.  This was after 2 hours of her refusal to work!!! She said that the breathing helped her to want to color.

*The book lists a Fire Qigong exercise called "Standing like the sun" which we will definitely try doing with her.  it's like a yoga move.  We are incorporating a lot of yoga.

We'll see how all of this works.  At the very least, I do NOT WANT my child exposed to chemicals this young in her life. She is only 5 years old!!! Here's hoping!!
Aromatherapy stuff
Rose Otto
yang yang

Flower essences:

Indian Pink - sensory overload

Madia - inattention to detail
White Chestnut - Overactive mind
Saint John's Wort - Hyperstimulation & panic

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Meal Plan Tuesday

So i'm trying to get off my ass and actually plan meals and such so i can save money. I'm struggling but we'll see how this goes.

I'm doing 2 weeks worth of meal planning here. My kid is going back to school August 1. So i have precious few days left of summer. I'm not sure if i'm working overtime next week or not. So there is a reason for why I am planning meals the way I am.

Wednesday Jul 10  Popcorn, cookies, sandwiches/rollups,  cotton candy. (We are going to the drive-in so I'm packing a delicious spread to have with my kids in the car while we watch monsters university and despicable me 2)
Thursday Jul 11 vegetarian lentil tacos (Make enough for me to have some left over for work 2 days)
Friday Jul 12 Pumpkin Hummus with kale chips. (Make this thursday...with enough for me to have some left over for work 2 days)
Saturday Jul 13 Lentil chili recipe = figure it out. (Other lentil recipes here)
Sunday Jul 14 Greens Omelet
Monday Jul 15 pancakes

Tuesday Jul 16 tenative drive-in night. Popcorn, sandwiches/rollups, cookies (Planes is in the drive-in!!)
Wednesday Jul 17 Creamy pumpkin sauce on pasta recipe here.
Thursday Jul 18 Lentil burritos
Friday Jul 19 pizza casserole
Saturday Jul 20 kale chips and pumpkin hummus
Sunday Jul 21 Pancakes
Mon Jul 22 ???
Tuesday Jul 23 ???

I bought some seeds

So I just bought some seeds from the Organic Seed People.  I fully expected that to be a scam site but they actually have a lot of information and they carry organic heirloom, organic open pollinated and just plain organic seeds!!!!! I spent 24.00 including shipping.  

They have several coupon codes on the website and offer a "Bulk discount" when you buy 10 packets of seeds or more. They are also having a sale.  So if you buy 10 packets of seeds you get the cheapest packet free.  I am ordering for next year/season so I can afford to wait 7-10 days so shipping was less than $3.00.

I bought 1 of each of these, they are all organic. (H= Heirloom, OP = Open Pollinated)

H, OP Tomato, Heirloom Blend 30 Seeds/pkt. Organic Seed (IEOTT102)  = $2.19
H, OP Lettuce, Tennis Ball Batavian .5g Seeds/pkt. Organic Seed (SEV62505)  =$1.79
H, OP Beet, Chioggia 5g Seeds/pkt. Organic Seed (IEOBE103)  = $1.99
H, OP Carrot, Gourmet Blend 2g Seeds/pkt. Organic Seed (IEOCA198)  = $1.99
H, OP Carrot, Chantenay 2g Seeds/pkt. Organic Seed (IEOCA190)  = $2.19
H, OP Okra, Hill Country Heirloom 4g Seeds/pkt. Organic Seed (SEV69111)  = $1.79
H, OP Radish, Blend 4.5g Seeds/pkt. Organic Seed (IEORA121)  = $1.99
H, OP Pepper, Marconi Bell (Sweet) .5g Seeds/pkt. Organic Seed (SEV46110)  = $1.79
H, OP Collards, Georgia Green 2g Seeds/pkt. Organic Seed (SEV24101)  = $1.79
H, OP Spinach, Bloomsdale  5g Seeds/pkt. Organic Seed (IEOSP100)  = $2.19
Beet, Golden 5g Seeds/pkt. Organic Seed (IEOBE106)  = $1.99
Sub-Total: $23.48
United States Postal Service (First-Class Mail (2 - 5 days)): $2.69
Quantity Discount: -$1.79
Total: $24.38
So let me list this an easier way for me to see it: I have:
Purple Cherokee (YUM!)
Heirloom varieties. we can decide which we like and order those for 2015.
Variety Red, purple, orange, yellow, white. FUN!
Chiogga (Target beets)
Just one variety.
Red sweet bell peppers.
Collard Greens

Radish Variety pack

I still want to obtain a lot of other things. but this is a nice start.  I would like to also grow:

several others. I also want the chocolate bell peppers. but this is a good start for us. :)

Links to remember...

I've been trolling my history this morning looking for seed resources because I want to start ordering seeds. If I can get my compost up to snuff i'd like a winter garden but I think it's too late for that. I don't want to waste money doing it now. I have several least six...that I can prepare and save and i can order seeds over this time and some bareroot dormant plants in the spring to plant (I really want to grow some raspberries and blackberries!!! maybe some grapes? some strawberries?  My goal is that in a few years I won't have to buy ANY produce at the grocery store.  I'd like to have enough that I could sell some at one of our local farmers markets or whatever..  I built one box for SQ Foot gardening. it is 4x4 feet x 6 inches tall. I need to get some linseed oil for that and I need to find some construction and beg for some wood scraps. I can make boxes of varying sizes....I NEED bare minimum:
1 4x4 foot box per person in the house for salad veggies. = 4
1 4x4 foot box per person in the house for dinner veggies = 4
1 4x4 foot box for raspberries
1 4x4 foot box for blackberries

So that's 10 boxes. My dad MAY murder me. but if I make it look pretty he might be okay with it. and I might have to build up to it. May have to start out with only 6 boxes plus the berries.  I am putting them in a box to help control them.  Though if I get shoots growing off of them and get them to sprout roots I may try to get them to grow up our fence in a few places so we have "Wild blackberries" and "Wild raspberries"  Dad hates raspberries.   The good news is that square foot gardening is mostly portable.  Couldn't move the berries but i think he'd be okay with that if I continued to take care of them. I want to build a big cage to go over my berries to protect them from birds and squirrels and bunnies.  I'm going to try and use some chicken wire to keep animals outta my veggies since i'll need the CW for the cages anyway.

My problem is that i want to grow so many varieties. tee hee. you'll see in my next post.  I may make a square foot gardening table for my dad so he can garden too. his knees are bad and he can't get down on the ground without significant pain so if i build a 4x4 box and put a plywood bottom on it and drill holes in it and put some legs on it he could garden from a chair or while standing.  or i could even do 4 2x2 foot box tables.  Then he can pick his own veggies etc. He loves gardens and he loves veggies.

These are my links i need:
Gardening Forum
I am in plant hardiness zone 6b
Seed places:
Victory Seeds
heirloom seeds
Seed Savers
Organic seed people

Trees of Antiquity
Berries and seeds:
Eden Brothers
Raintree Nursery

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Square foot pondering....

So i've narrowed down my veggie choices to 18 seed varieties. I might be able to convince someone else to go in with me on seeds since i'm not trying to feed an army.  If not it shouldn't be the end of the world. it's only like $60 in seeds. The world won't end.

I'm going to try some square foot gardening I guess.  I got my compost heap covered.  I need to finish digging all of the leaves out of our pool and get them on the compost heap (Or start a second one)  So I need as much compost as possible to help reduce costs.

I am going to use some sq foot gardening techniques to manage our garden.  I think i'm going to try to make greenhouse coverings for the raised beds to protect them individually.  we'll see how costly it is and how much stuff I can find cheaply. 

Sizes of stuff I want to grow::
XL (2 sq feet required to grow 1 plant)
Black Beauty Zucchini (2)
Amish Pie Pumpkins (4)
Cornfield Pumpkins (4)

L (1 plant per sq foot)
Grape Tomatoes (4)
Peach Blow Tomatoes (4)
Green Tomatoes (4)
Double yield cucumbers (2)
Apple Cucumbers (2)
Burgundy Okra (3)
Chocolate Peppers (3)
Red Peppers (3)
M (4 Plants per sq foot)
Tennis Ball Lettuce (4)
S (9 plants per sq foot)
Beets (2)
Spinach (2)
Kale (2)
Swiss Chard (2)
Yellow Beans (2)
Green Beans  (2)

XS (16 plants per sq foot)
Carrots   (4)

planning our garden

We are in planning stages for our garden next year.  I have big plans/desires and need to document them so I don't forget them.

We have started a compost pile in the back yard.  We need to get some plastic to cover it and i need to remember to water it pretty regularly until i cover it.  I am watering it with water from our swimming pool (there are no chemicals in it and the water is nasty like pond water. so i'm scraping leaves and such off of the bottom mixing those in with food waste and other yard trash and decomposing sticks and such.  i'm working on getting the compost started. we have so much yard trash I can make multiple piles I bet...and have them in various stages of decomp.

We have several deer and rabbits in our yard and they will attack the fire out of any garden that I plant.  I want to do this organically so pesticides and poisons are not an option and even the hav-a-hart traps wouldn't be an option anyway.  I KNOW there are baby bunnies in our yard and I don't want to trap mom and dad and other adults in the colony and leave babies to fend for themselves or get eaten by snakes.  Besides which....I would rather live WITH The bunny faces....and then the teeny little fact that if I rid my yard of bunnies, more will move in. plus there are moles and other vermin in my yard anyway to eat my veggies and fruits. I'm going to have to go at this hardcore to protect my stuff.

So i found this pretty cool video that teaches us how to make a greenhouse for $150 or less:
The link is HERE.

it uses cattle panels that you can buy at TSC:

I am not 100% sure if I want to put plastic on the whole thing or on part of it or just use the wire to keep the vermin out. (We have opossums and racoons as well. and squirrels.  I am inclined to build the greenhouse as is and build an additional cage for other stuff and cover it in netting for my fruit trees while they are young. )

So here is my list of desired fruits and veg that I want to grow:

Definitely want:
Seascape strawberries: These are everbearing strawberries and will bear fruit if the temp remains between 35 and 85 degrees F.  So i'd have to container garden these bad boys.

Beans: (Pole Beans)
Sultan's Golden (Organic):  Rarely offered and almost extinct. SSE is pleased to reintroduce this variety. Distinct curled yellow snap bean. Stringless, excellent flavor. Very prolific. Pole habit, snap, 75 days.  Trellis, Teepee or Fence. Full Sun.
Bean Provider (Organic): (Phaseolus vulgaris) Introduced by Dr. Hoffman of South Carolina in 1965. Known as the most dependable early green bean. Round straight pods (5-8" long) borne heavily on compact plants. Excellent flavor, one of the best for freezing and canning. Germinates well in cool soil. Disease resistant. Bush habit, snap, 50-55 days.

Golden Burpees:  Commercially available since 1828. Dual purpose beet for roots and greens. Roots are globe-shaped and bright orange, turning golden-yellow when cooked. Tender and mild even when large. Will not bleed like red beets. Sweet flavorful leaves. 50-55 days.

Danvers: Developed in Danvers, Massachusetts in the late 1800s. Leading main crop variety for home and market, stores well. Bright orange flesh is nearly coreless, sweet, and tender. Uniform roots up to 8" long. High yields in clay or heavy soils. 65-87 days.

(Organic)Crystal Apple:  (aka Apple Shaped) A prolific and sweet flavored cucumber that is shaped like an apple when mature. Listed by Ferry Morse Seed Co. of Detroit in 1934; once very popular in Australia and New Zealand. Very tender creamy white skin. Good for market or home gardeners. 65 days. Full Sun
(Organic) Double Yield cucumbers for pickles Introduced in 1924 by Joseph Harris Co. of Coldwater, New York. In the words of the introducer, “The remarkable thing about this new cucumber is its wonderful productiveness. For every pickle that is cut off, two or three more are produced.” Very early pickling type. Green 6" long fruits are symmetrical, smooth, and uniform. 50-60 days. Trellis & Full Sun.:

(Organic)Dwarf Blue Gorgeous finely curled blue-green leaves hold their color even in severe cold. Uniform low-growing plants are 15" tall with a 20-35" spread. Very hardy; will overwinter with mulch in zones 4-5. Ornamental and delicious. High in vitamin A. 53-65 days from transplant. Full Sun:

Tennis ball lettuce: Small rosettes of light green leaves measure only 7" in diameter and form loose, tender heads. Grown by Thomas Jefferson at Monticello. According to Heirloom Vegetable Gardening by SSE member William Woys Weaver, tennis ball lettuces were often pickled in salt brine during the 17th and 18th centuries. Black-seeded. Butterhead, 50 days. Full sun or partial shade.

(organic) Bloomsdale Spinach  Introduced by D. Landreth Seed Company in 1826. Vigorous upright plants with dark green, glossy, savoyed leaves. Fine quality, very tender, excellent flavor. Quick growing variety with heavy yields. Well adapted for late spring or summer plantings, slow to bolt. 39-60 days.

Swiss Chard:
Five color silverbeet (aka Rainbow Chard) Australian heirloom from Digger’s Garden Club. Ornamental technicolor mixture of Swiss chards with shades of red, orange, purple, yellow, and white. Seed crops of all the different colors are grown in isolation to maintain a proper balance of colors. Tender and delicious. 50-60 days.

Red Burgandy :  (aka Burgundy) Bred by Leon Robbins at Clemson University after eight years of careful selection. Introduced in 1983; AAS winner in 1988. Stunning 4' plant with burgundy accents and tender burgundy pods up to 6" long. Good yields. 55-60 days. Full Sun:

(Organic) Sweet Chocolate Bell Pepper  (aka Choco) Early bell pepper bred by Elwyn Meader and introduced by the University of New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station in 1965. Ripens from green to chocolate on the outside and brick red inside. Thick sweet flesh. Great for gardeners in short-season areas. 60-85 days from transplant. SWEET.
(Organic) Ruby King Pepper First offered in 1977 SSE Yearbook by Dr. John Wyche. Early bell pepper that ripens from dark green to ruby red. Fruits grow to 6" long with thick sweet flesh, excellent for frying or fresh eating. 65-70 days from transplant. SWEET

Carving: (Cucurbita pepo) First offered by SSE member Glenn Drowns in the 1984 Yearbook from USDA seed. Our top choice for use as both a carving pumpkin and for fall decorations. Fruits are flattened, light-colored, thin skinned, and weigh 12-15 pounds. Very sturdy stems rarely break off. Traditionally grown as a dual crop planted with field corn. 90 days.
EatingHeirloom obtained by James Robinson from an Amish gardener in Maryland. Introduced commercially by SSE in 1999. One of the best processing pumpkins we have ever grown at Heritage Farm. Pale orange flesh measures up to 5" thick, and the largest fruits weigh 60-80 pounds. Firm moist flesh is excellent for making pies and for freezing. 90-105 days.

(ORGANIC) Black beautyThe standard summer squash, introduced to U.S. markets in the 1920s. Compact everbearing bush plants are loaded with glossy green-black fruits with firm white flesh. Best eaten when under 8" long. Excellent variety for freezing. 1957 All America Selections. 45-65 days.

(organic) Peach blow sutton: Introduced in 1897 as “Sutton’s Peachblow” by Sutton and Sons Seed Growers and Merchants of Reading, England. Named after a style of Victorian era glassware known for its peach skin appearance. Round 6 ounce fruits with slightly fuzzy ‘tomato pink’ skin. Refreshing sweet flavor and low acidity. Indeterminate, 80 days from transplant.
Grape Tomatoes: (Solanum lycopersicum) Originally from Germany. Name translates as “giant bunches of grapes.” Introduced commercially in the U.S. in 1994 by Southern Exposure Seed Exchange. High-yielding plants. Tasty 1" fruits are borne on large sprays and shaped like beaked plums. Indeterminate, 80 days from transplant. Trellis.
(Organic) Tasty evergreen tomato:  (aka Evergreen) A favorite of Ben Quisenberry. Originally introduced by Glecklers Seedmen of Metamora, Ohio, in 1956. A green-when-ripe variety with medium-sized beefsteak fruits. Grapefruit yellow when fully ripe; flesh and gel remain green inside. Luscious and tender, strong sweet flavor. Very productive. Indeterminate, 75 days from transplant. Trellis

Early Snowball: Introduced to American gardeners in 1888 by Peter Henderson & Company. Smooth 6-7" heads of tightly formed white curds are solid, crisp, and tender, excellent quality. Can be over-wintered for early crops in warmer regions. 60-85 days from transplant. Full sun

(non-organic) Red cabbageIntroduced in 1889. Solid uniformly round heads are 8" in diameter and weigh 7 pounds. A sure cropper with a small to medium core that is red throughout; fine flavor, excellent for cooking, salads, and pickling. 98 days from transplant. Full Sun.

(Non-organic)  premium late flat dutch:  Introduced to the U.S. by German immigrants around 1840; listed in the 1924 catalog of D. M. Ferry & Co. Solid blue-green flat heads with white interior weigh 10-15 pounds. Excellent for late fall or winter use. 100 days from transplant. Full Sun

(Non Organic) Calabrese:  Popular market variety that was brought to America by Italian immigrants in the 1880s. Tight heads can grow up to 8" in diameter. After the central head is harvested, side shoots will form. 58-90 days from transplant. Full Sun.
Interested in:
Apple tree
Cherry tree Two trees:
Walnut franquette:
walnut chandler:
walnut pedro:
Melon: Emerald gem:

Green arrow: (aka Green Shaft) An English main crop variety and standard home and market variety. Slim pointed pods are 4-5" long and contain 8-11 small deep green peas. Pods are almost always borne in doubles. Very heavy reliable production. Medium vines grow 24-28" tall. Shell, 62-70 days. Double rows can be planted on each side of a trellis

Totally a possibility:
Golden Raspberries: 
peach tree: 

backyard fruit growers assocation: