Thursday, September 5, 2013

When you screw up as a do you fix that?

Have you ever forgotten to play Toothfairy?  I have.  Have you ever forgotten to play Easter Bunny? Guilty as well.  My friend D hides over 100 eggs for her precious daughter.  Her daughter is in 8th grade now and just told her mom this past Easter that she knows the Easter Bunny isn't real.  D cried. :(

My girl has lost 3 teeth.   For her first she got a 5 dollar bill and I told her that sometimes the Tooth Fairy hooks you up big time on your first tooth.  She subscribes to the "Rise of the Guardians" Vision of the Tooth Fairy. One Queen Fairy and several baby fairies.  This works in my favor like WHOA!

The other night after I had gotten home from work with the kids (And no cash!!) my 5 year old comes to me:

Girl: Check out my tooth! Pull it!
Me: OH no.  Lots of boys and girls lost teeth today. I think the tooth fairy is all booked up.
Girl: PLEASE Pull my tooth.
Me: Oh i'm pretty sure that she is booked solid.  we can pull it but she might not make it here.

I pull it. I still have no cash.  As i'm drifting off I consider going to an ATM or borrowing from my father (The only other adult in the house) OR from their piggy banks..which is a bad plan because surely in the morning she'll want to count ALL THE RICHES and not just the new ones and....why....who stole $2 from her piggy bank? She would then fly into a rage.  So I decided the heck with it.

I went to bed.  And the next morning the girl was SUPER disappointed that the TF didn't come to our house : (  So i felt like mom failure of the century.

I stopped at JoAnn's and bought a variety of clearance items to build a note from the TF along with a sparkly notebook for a quarter and a hello kitty bracelet for $3. (Yep. I paid the stupid tax)   SO I built my note:

Glitter letter stickers for the names, a small tub of cheap glitter for the edge. we already had Elmer's glue, the gemstones came from a 50 cent iron on thing from clearance and the paper was 49 cents.  All in all it wasn't too expensive.  I like the excuse I came up with.  She was amazed by the note and she decided the toothfairy leaves extra stuff if she's late to make up for it.  So we are good, for now.

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